5 On-Page Tactics to Improve Your SEO Score

The best way to increase traffic to a website is ranking high in the search results for the keyword people use to find products and services like yours.  There is a process and science to have your web page rise to the top of the Google search results.

Luckily for you, we have a a free tool which analyzes your website and give you an SEO score based on the following ranking factors.  Improve your score and these factors to gain better positions in the searches.


Keyword in the Meta Title

Also called the SEO title.  It is the blue title line that shows up first in the Google search results.  So many people miss this opportunity.  Have your keyword phrase as exact match in your page title.  This is one of the most important ranking factors in optimizing your web pages.  In the screen shot below, we are targeting the keyowrd term “seo analyzer”, “seo analysis”, “website seo analysis” and “seo score”.  Notice how I fit them all into the title without looking weird.

seo score example in the google search results

Add the Focused Keyword to your URL

Except for your home page, you have the opportunity to configure your page and post URLs to include the focus keyword for your content.  Too often people let wordpress or other CMS platform choose the URL for them..  The key is keeping the URL short to three or four words, use dashes between them and not underscores, and remove stop words like “for” “and” “of”.


Keywords in the Meta Description

Your meta description is the text above which is under the URL and the title in the search results.  Although people say Google doesn’t factor these descriptions in raking, we find it helps with both rank and relevance in the results when people decide to click your link or one of the other results.


Place Keywords in the H1, H2 Headings

The H1 heading is usually at the top of your page or post.  It typically is directly related to the main topic of the page content.  Make sure your page has only one H1 and try to use it as a description for what is on the page in terms of the overall content.

H2 headings will break up your content into sections just like I am doing here on this page.  The are sub-topics of the main H1 topics.  Sometime it makes sense to have your focused keywords in the H2s, but other times they can be synonyms or closely related.  just don’t stuff your headings with the exact match keywords every time.


Have Enough Content to be Relevant

If the competition ranking on the first page of Google for your keyword has 1000+ words on their pages, you should plan to write 10% more.  Break it up into easy to read sections.  Use the headings help from the previous paragraph and sprinkle your focused keywords throughout your content.  Make sure you pay attention to keyword density or frequency.  It is best practice to keep your exact match keyword density around 2-4% of the total page content.


Follow these on-page optimization tips and you will see the SEO score of your web page improve.  Test and measure each time you make edits to your content.

If you ant advice with off-page tatics to improve SEO, check out the article https://seodigitalgroup.com/what-are-social-signals/



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